

Improved productivity for the Caratlane Sales Team.

About The Company

A leading new age jewellery retailer leveraging great products with technology tools.

It leverages online learning in diverse formats from the conceptual traditional e learning to diverse and engaging visual formats including films.

Learning Objective:
  • Create awareness of the sales process within the sales team
  • Create a deep understanding of customer needs and mindset
  • Improve sales productivity across the sales teams

The sales training program utilizes a hybrid learning approach involving

  • Custom films with a web series story based approach with actors to drive immersive experiential learning
  • Create a deep understanding of customer needs and mindset
  • Improve sales productivity across the sales teams

The learning content has been integrated into the overall induction process, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the entire 2,300 strong sales force across more than 250 stores.

In FY 22-23, Caratlane experienced more than 70 % revenue growth.